This is a reminder that yoga really is for all people. It’s for all bodies, all ages, all abilities.

There’s a lot of exclusivity in mainstream yoga. Social media and magazines are flooded with photos of hyper-mobile models twisting into unattainable shapes.

(This pose looks cool but is a pretty basic forward fold—I’m not super flexible and used to try to push myself to do more, which isn’t healthy and isn’t yoga.)

Yoga has become white-washed and culturally appropriated in the U.S. It’s is now “trendy” and “cool” in a way that can seem like it’s not for us. Popular classes are full of students and teachers pushing themselves to one-up each other with athletic feats… to what end?

None of that is actually Yoga. Yoga is a practice of diving into and honoring your body, finding the connection between your body/mind/Life itself, and finding healing and peace. All while moving your body in ways that feel good for you. It’s inclusive of all people, and it’s for YOU.

Want to start your own yoga practice? Work with me either virtually or in person in California. Also, check out my free classes on YouTube!