It’s time I share my secret weapon with all of you: let’s talk about my favorite magnesium spray.
If you’ve known or have been following me for a while, you probably know that I have ongoing neck pain. Like chronic relentless spasms in my neck and shoulder muscles that have been with me for years now, although they’ve gotten dramatically better. That’s why I got so into wellness and became a yoga teacher. And in a twisted way, I’ve come to be really grateful for it, because in my pursuit of healing this injury has led me to become try every wellness tool and trick under the sun. And now I get to share them all with you! This magnesium spray is definitely a keeper.
Note: this post is NOT sponsored. But I am super excited about this product because there aren’t many other similar options available out there. I had to do a bit of digging to find the ECO. Recovery Magnesium Spray. It’s a total gem that I’ve been using religiously now for a little over two years. Safe to say I can highly recommend it!
Magnesium spray is great for helping aid muscle recovery.
I first found out about it when I went to see a new acupuncturist for treatment. She explained that my muscles needed help rehydrating—the tissues had been compressed for so long with tension that nothing was gliding smoothly. The acupuncturist recommended I try magnesium to help with this, so off to the internet I went to do as much research as possible!
This diagram from RockTape (another muscle recovery tool rockstar—def will write a post on it soon) is super helpful in showing what muscle tension looks like:
Magnesium helps reduce inflammation in the muscle, thereby reducing pain.
Essentially, it’s one of nature’s natural muscle relaxants. It helps your body calm down its stress response and get back to tissue repair and healing.
Here’s more about the benefits of the spray, according to ECO.:
Our Recovery Magnesium Spray is high in magnesium, which is rapidly absorbed into the deep muscle tissue to relieve muscle stress and strain brought on from exercise. This spray also contains pure essential oils, including black pepper oil, pink grapefruit oil, thyme oil and marjoram oil to help increase circulation and ease muscle soreness. It also works to balance hormones and improve energy levels.
I mean, yes please!
Did I mention that in this magnesium spray the ingredients are all-natural, vegan, and synthetic-free? The ingredients are minimal and recognizable. As it should be.
Magnesium can be taken orally, like in this really relaxing Calm supplement, which I do love to take sometimes to help me fall asleep. But it’s even more effectively absorbed through the skin. Get it straight to the source of your pain.
One way to do that is by rubbing magnesium oil into your skin. It’s actually not an oil, but magnesium chloride that’s suspended in water—it’s messy and runny. I’ve tried it. Not my thing.
I don’t know about you, but I like tools that are extra efficient.
So this spray is quick and no-fuss, no-muss. Simply spray and go! It’s really hard to overdose on magnesium, so apply liberally. I keep this bottle in my backpack with me—it’s small and lightweight, but lasts a long time.
When you spray, you’ll feel a bit of tingling on your skin—kind of like laying on an acupressure mat. It’s subtle and fades quickly, but I kind of like the tingling—it’s like I can feel fresh blood getting pulled into the tissue, washing away all the toxins that have gotten stuck in the knots.
Just like giving the ol’ muscle tissues a good pillow fluff.
Thanks to this magnesium spray, there’s no more reason to put up with sore muscles.
My usual nightly routine when I’m sore, which is often (I teach 15+ classes a week and work out 6 days a week) is to foam roll (I swear by the RumbleRoller), take an Epsom salt bath (2 cups, soak for at least 20 minutes), and then spray this on as I get out of the bath and ready for bed. I always wake up feeling like a new me! Ain’t no time for limping around like Quasimodo.
Plus, those three muscle recovery techniques are super easy, affordable, and don’t take much time. They aren’t as intensive or expensive as some of my other classic faves (massage, cupping, acupuncture, cryotherapy, etc) but honestly that trio is often just as effective at helping you feel better. Throw in a solid round of yoga stretching and your body will be bouncing back into GO mode in no time.
Let me know what you think if you try this magnesium spray out. I definitely just applied it like 3 times as I wrote this. Feels so good!