Seated Chair Yoga Stretches

Seated Chair Yoga Poses » From the Infinite Embers blog

Stuck sitting for a long time? You need these chair yoga stretches in your life.

Whether you’re on an airplane, spending hours in front of your computer, or waiting at the DMV, there’s bound to be a lot of sitting in your life. It’s just the modern way. Unfortunately, all those hours sitting can start to make the body tighten and stiffen, leading to loss of mobility and flexibility. I teach corporate yoga throughout San Diego, and oftentimes I work with my clients seated in suits around a conference table, which is how I came to create this chair yoga practice. I wanted to be able to help my clients feel better with stretches you can do any time in your chair.

These stretches are, if I may daresay, a game changer.

All of the following chair yoga stretches are done fully seated, making them perfect for when you can’t break out a full Vinyasa practice but still want to loosen up, regain energy and clarity, and relieve back and neck pain. These poses will move your spine in all directions to help keep you feeling great!

Posture is everything when you’re sitting (try using a posture corrector for extra back support), and even more so when you’re stretching. These chair yoga poses require you to first sit up with your pelvis in neutral, reaching long through your spine to the crown of your head. Keep your ribs pulled in, your shoulders stacked on top of your hips, and your head up. Breathe deeply and relax. The goal is to feel good, so don’t force any of the stretches.

Always, always, listen to your body!

I should note: it is important to stand up at least once an hour and get some light movement in, if you’re able. Go pour yourself a glass of water or take a bathroom break! Also, if you’re interested, I highly recommend converting to a standing desk! I adore mine.

Now to the chair yoga stretches:

I go through the entire chair yoga flow with you in this video, or keep scrolling for the step-by-step sequence!

You can hold each stretch for as long as you’d like. Repeat as often as possible.

The Video:

The Breakdown:

1 » Cat/Cow

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Cow » From the Infinite Embers blog

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Cat » From the Infinite Embers blog

  • Begin seated, with your feet firmly planted on the ground at hips’ distance, hands on your knees.
  • Cow: Inhale, arch your back, and lift your head to the sky. Tilt your pelvis forward so your tailbone reaches back behind you.
  • Cat: Exhale, round your back, and tuck your chin to your chest. Tilt your pelvis backwards so your tailbone curls underneath you.
  • Flow between the two for as long as you want, moving with your breath. Be mindful to move more slowly through the part of your spine where you feel the most stiff.

2 » Twists

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Twist » From the Infinite Embers blog

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Twist » From the Infinite Embers blog

  • Inhale and sit up as tall as you can.
  • Exhale and then rotate your torso to the Left. You can use your arms to help you. Try to lead the twist from your navel first, then ribs, then maybe neck.
  • Inhale and return back to center, slowly.
  • Exhale and repeat on the other side.

3 » Side Stretches

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Side Stretch » From the Infinite Embers blog

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Side Stretch » From the Infinite Embers blog

  • Once again, sit up tall and reach your arms overhead.
  • Inhale and grab your L wrist with your R hand.
  • Exhale and stretch up and over to the R, breathing down the L side body.
  • Inhale and return back to center, grabbing your R wrist with your L hand.
  • Exhale and stretch up and over to the L, breathing down the R side body.

4 » Overhead Stretch

Seated Chair Yoga Poses » From the Infinite Embers blog

  • Sit up tall and interlace all 10 of your fingers.
  • Inhale and stretch your arms up as high as you can.
  • Exhale and relax your shoulders down away from your ears.

5 » Eagle Arms

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Eagle Arms » From the Infinite Embers blog

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Eagle Arms » From the Infinite Embers blog

  • Cross your R elbow on top of the L. Wrap your forearms around to press your palms against each other.
  • Draw your shoulders down away from your ears and lift your elbows up, possibly to shoulder-height or as high as you can.
  • Press your hands away from your to increase the stretch.
  • Focus on stretching through the upper back, right between the shoulder blades. Breathe and try to relax!
  • If you want even more, try tilting backwards from your shoulder blades, reaching your heart up to the sky as you lift your elbows.
  • Switch sides.
  • Note: Can’t get your hands to wrap? Try pressing the backs of your hands against each other instead. I break down all the modifications in the video above, so be sure to watch it for help!

6 » Hamstring Stretch/Half Splits

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Hamstring Stretch » From the Infinite Embers blog

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Hamstring Stretch » From the Infinite Embers blog

  • Sit on the edge of your chair, if you can.
  • Extend your R light out in front of you, as straight as you can get it. Flex your R foot.
  • Start to tilt forward from your hips, keeping your your chest open. Maybe take your hands all the way down to the floor if you feel open enough.
  • Focus on the stretch down the back of your leg, in your hamstring. Make sure not to lock out your knee and keep your foot flexed, extending out through your heel while pulling the R hip back.
  • Repeat on the L side.

7 » Figure 4/Seated Pigeon

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Pigeon » From the Infinite Embers blog

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Pigeon » From the Infinite Embers blog

  • Start with your feet back on the ground at hips’ distance.
  • Flex your R foot and cross your R ankle over your L knee. Keep the foot flexed.
  • Maybe start to tilt forward at your hips to fold over your R shin and increase the stretch.
  • Repeat on the L side.
  • Note: If this is too intense for you, try simply hugging your R knee into your chest. Move it around in small motions if that feels good to help loosen up through the hips! I show you how in the video above. Also, try out these outer hips stretches when you’re back on your mat!

8 » Neck Stretch

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Neck Stretch » From the Infinite Embers blog

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Neck Stretch » From the Infinite Embers blog

  • Adjust your posture again and sit up tall.
  • While reaching out through the crown of your head, tilt your R ear down to your R shoulder, stretching out the L side of your neck.
  • Be very gentle! Your neck is sensitive.
  • If you want more, you can place your R hand lightly on top of your head (do not pull down!) and extend your L arm out to the side and slightly behind you (you can play around with the placement of your arm to vary the stretch).
  • Return back to center with an inhale. I like to reset by rolling my shoulders out/shaking out my head.
  • Repeat on the other side.
  • Note: You can check out even more neck stretches here!

9 » Wrist Circles

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Wrists » From the Infinite Embers blog

  • Give your wrists some love! This isn’t so much a stretch as finding some mobility, moving your wrists around to prevent stiffness or pain.
  • Roll your wrists out in circles, shake them side to side, or flap them up and down. This is especially important if you’ve been spending a lot of time typing! (like yours truly—I literally just took a break to circle out my wrists for a second as I type this)

10 » Child’s Pose

Seated Chair Yoga Poses Childs » From the Infinite Embers blog

  • If you’re lucky enough to be seated at a counter (an airplane tray table works!), take a Seated Child’s Pose.
  • Stack your hands, with your elbows out to the side.
  • Rest your forehead down on your hands.
  • Soften your shoulders away from your ears. Try to relax all tension from your upper body.
  • Close your eyes and breathe.
  • This is an especially good posture to take if you feel stressed, tired, or unfocused.

Bonus » End with Savasana for as long as you want!

Seated Chair Yoga Poses » From the Infinite Embers blog

  • You can take Savasana in your Seated Child’s Pose, or simply sit up, close your eyes, and breathe.
  • Try to relax your entire body. I like to imagine my skeleton sitting with perfect posture, all my bones effortlessly stacked in alignment, with my muscles draping over the bones like wet clothes on a clothesline. For some reason that visual really helps me let go of tension in my body.
  • Don’t worry about where your mind wanders. Give yourself permission to simply be, in this moment. I meditate this way on most flights I take, because I find it’s the best time to give my mind a break.
  • It’s a benefit that you’re sitting, because your body can more easily go into a meditative state without much risk of falling asleep! If you have extra time and earbuds and want to dive into a full meditation, check out my favorite meditation apps.

I hope you enjoy this sequence! Remember to do it as often as possible to keep your body and mind feeling great.

» Song Vibes «

Are there any other seated chair yoga stretches you love? Share them with the class in the Comments below!

