Benefits of Using Yoga Blocks » From the Infinite Embers blog

This post is basically a PSA I’ve been wanting to make for a while: we all need to use yoga blocks more often!

I always feel bad for yoga blocks. They usually remain gathering dust stuffed into the cubbies at the back of the studio. One or two people per class may be bold enough to grab a pair. The yoga blocks on the bottom row? Practically untouched.

How do I know? I’m a near-full-time yoga instructor here in San Diego! And I see how frequently they go unused. Most teachers don’t suggest them, especially for most Vinyasa flow classes. Students won’t usually get them unless I tell them to. And sadly I can’t even have my students use blocks at some of the studios I teach at, because they only have enough blocks for a handful of people, not a full class. They’re highly undervalued.

But yoga blocks aren’t just for rare modifications or injuries.

I feel like yoga blocks have a stigma attached to them. Our fear brains project the false belief that blocks signal to everyone else in the class that you’re the inflexible one, that they make you stand out. This can make a newbie feel self-conscious and inferior if they’re already stuck in that fear mindset.

And it can keep competitive Type As from furthering their skills because they don’t want to feel like they need assistance.

I’d like to change that stigma.

I’m telling you, using blocks is a mark of a strong yogi, not a weak one! Using them doesn’t make you a beginner, and it shouldn’t feel embarrassing. They’re just a really helpful tool so you can move your body properly in every pose. And based off of teaching hundreds of people over the years, I can say truthfully that nearly everyone can benefit from their use.

Let me say this: Remember that no one else in the class is thinking about you or judging you—and if they are, that’s their problem, not yours! Stay in your own lane and commit to doing what’s best for your body. (That’s going through your yoga practice as healthfully and strong as possible.)

Benefits of Using Yoga Blocks » From the Infinite Embers blog

Yoga blocks can elevate your practice.

There is a field of yoga called Iyengar (named after the man who developed this style of yoga practice) that is hyper-focused on alignment, and while I don’t teach it, I’m heavily influenced by the philosophy, based on my experiences in my own body.

I’m not naturally flexible, and for a long time I was compensating in many stretches to appear more flexible than I actually was in class. For example, to go into the splits, I could hike my left hip up and forward of my right and get down to the floor. But when I started playing around with blocks and entering poses with perfect alignment, I found that I hadn’t been stretching correctly and was very tight in key areas that were leading to injury and immobility.

Once I began using blocks, I never stopped. I now hate to practice without them.

Also, there are so many amazing restorative yoga poses you can do using the blocks! I found this great list for you, which includes all of my favorites. You’ll be able to get so much deeper into these poses using the blocks. You simply can’t do them without them.

I’m telling you, they’re the best.

How To Use Yoga Blocks:

It’s super easy, so don’t be intimidated. Just think of the blocks as extensions of your hands. They bring the ground closer to you. The key is to focus on maintaining proper alignment as you move through each pose and to not force any of the stretches.

During your yoga practice, keep your blocks at home base: one on either side about halfway up your mat. It takes some getting used to, but you’ll soon get the hand of moving the blocks up or down the mat with you as you flow so they’re always a quick reach away.

As with any practice, you’ll improve in yoga with dedication and consistency. You will get more flexible and stronger with time! Eventually, you won’t need the blocks at all—but you might just fall in love with them and keep using them anyway, since they promote the elongation of your body and thus improved mobility and form.

Benefits of Using Yoga Blocks » From the Infinite Embers blog

Which yoga blocks should you buy?

As with anything, the most important tip is that you buy whatever blocks you like! There are a few different materials available, which will give the blocks different densities and degrees of hardness.

Everyone will have their own preferences, and some blocks work better for different purposes. So explore and see what works for you. It won’t affect your practice or their function; different materials mostly vary your comfort level.

These are the different types of yoga blocks to choose from:

  • Cork: My #1 favorite choice, for a few reasons. I love the heavy sturdiness of these blocks. They can hold some weight and feel solid underneath you, and they rarely slip around. The drawback is their heavier weight, so they’re not easy to transport. PLUS, cork is a much more environmentally-friendly and sustainable natural material than some of the other options. This 100% recycled cork block by 42 Birds is my favorite out there.
  • Wood: My opinion? Just, don’t. They’re more eco-friendly too but so unforgivingly hard and uncomfortable to use.
  • Foam: The other fantastic choice, and the far more lightweight one. I actually have both cork and foam blocks—I use the foam when I travel. These REEHUT blocks are the ones I recommend and am using in these photos—only $11 for a set of two and a super cute pink color! (Although they do have other colors to choose from—my second choice would be the black.) They’re ridiculously light and have a soft cushiony give to them, while still being firm enough to hold you.

If you practice yoga at home, I recommend buying at least two blocks. They do come in different heights. Look for 4 inches, which is the standard. I don’t love the shorter or higher versions.

So remember:

The next time you take class, give those blocks in the back some love and start exploring your body and yoga practice in a whole new level of depth!

And be sure to check out all my yoga posts for stretching routines and further advice, or visit my YouTube channel for full yoga workout videos.

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Do you ever use yoga blocks? What’s stopped you? Share your experiences with me in the Comments below!



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Photos by Matthew Hanley, edits by me